
vrijdag, augustus 04, 2006

New banner

Today I had fun stamping a new banner. I used some of my favorite stamps: Hero Arts, justjohanna and Maryse Carrier. Backgrounds are sponged with Colorbox Fluid Chalk inks. If you are wondering how you can put a banner on your blog, thanks to Shari Carol I found instructions on Lindsay Teague's blog, it helped me a lot!
Ik vond het tijd voor een nieuwe banner. Ik gebruikte enkele van mijn favoriete stempels om er een te maken: Hero Arts, justjohanna en Maryse Carrier. Achtergronden zijn gesponsd met Colorbox Fluid Chalks. Dankzij Shari Carol vond ik instructies op deze blog van Lyndsay Teague om mijn eerste banner te plaatsen. Het was echt een hulp voor mij.
Previous banners...
Enkele van mijn vorige banners...

Chalk inks

Ladybug in our garden

Lieveheersbeestje in onze tuin. (Of een "lieve-race-beestje", uit de peuterwoordenschat van zoon Rik)

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Godelieve, this is so cool. Tell me, what size is it irl? I'd love to do a banner too, and have been reading up on how to place them in the blog template.
    I love this, it's so you.

  2. Thanks :)

    Jenny, the size is 21cm x 7,5cm, in inches it would be a bit more than 8 inches by 3inches. So I guess if you cut off a 3 inches wide strip of a sheet of paper it would be about this size. But I resized it in photoshop, it has to be 800 pixels wide. You have to know exactely the size in pixels before you can add the banner to your template. (I think this is not very clear...) Just email me if you want to know more, I'll help you out if I can...

  3. WOW! Gorgeeous, fabulous, fun!!! :-D I LOVE it!

    I don't think I could change my banner - I'm too computer challenged... But I managed to change the fonts on my blog, and I now know how to add links! ;-)

  4. Godelieve this is just beautiful! I love seeing all your banners - but this one is stunning!

  5. Really like your new Banner! I always struggle to size mine right so thanks for the tips from Shari - they will be really useful! I'm going to put mine back to an Australian one.....:o)

  6. Thanks Godelieve. I think your info. is very helpful! :)

  7. wow!! die is weer mooi Godelieve!
    Ik moet toch ook eens gaan uitzoeken hoe dat werkt..... ;-)

    groetjes Klaartje

  8. It's so beautiful Godelieve!!!! You've got me thinking now, may be I should handmake mine too. You are SUPER talented! :o)

  9. This is so very cool!!

    I love that you made it and got it in here!

  10. Beautiful! and definately reflects your colorful personality! I love it!


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