
donderdag, februari 22, 2007

Again cards I made for a local shop to inspire beginning cardmakers.
Nog enkele kaartjes die ik voor een lokale winkel maakte, om beginnende kaartenmakers te inspireren.

"I wish you..." stamp. Buttons: Rayher. Ecoline background.
Knoopjes: Rayher. Ecoline achtergrond. Tekststempel.

"I do" No stamping here. Cut out letters.
Niets gestempeld hier, de letters zijn uitgesneden.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. they are so lucky to have you and all your inspiration. I know you inspire me every day. :)

  2. Je suis sûre que toutes ces jolies cartes auront beaucoup de succès pour la vente !... ;)

  3. These are just stunning! Similar what card stores are carrying in the US.. but so much nicer and prettier!

  4. These are lovely! I think simple is actually harder to do, as you have to have a strong sense of design and can't just rely on pretty embellishments. I'm sure that everyone will be inspired. I particularly like the life card (fab-o colors!) and the adorable flower buttons.

  5. Very pretty, very doable. I love the button flowers!

  6. this are so cute!

    Love the one with the button flowers!!


  7. hi!
    thank you for your nice comments on my blog! I love reading yours very much... I love working with paper, I just don't have imagination enough to make these beautiful things you do! You make me wish doing more things in paper...
    bye, manela (macati)

  8. Terrific...I agree with Barb...simpler is harder!

  9. These are very cute and very inspiring !!! :)

  10. Beautiful cards!!! I love them, you did a wonderful job!!!


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