
woensdag, februari 28, 2007

CPS #3 - Thank You

Mijn kaart voor schets #3 van CPS.
All stamps are by Auddesign: swirls, embossed heart and sentiment. Distress Inks on the square panel. Flower from a RAK, QuicKutz photo corners.
Alle stempels zijn van Auddesign: krul, hart en wens. Distress inkt op het vierkant. Bloemetje zat bij een mooie kaart die ik gisteren ontving van Inge. QuicKutz fotohoekjes.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Your work is just stunning - I love your sketch interpretation and the use of the photo corners.

  2. So pretty...the use of blue here is just striking!

  3. WOW! This is too cool! Great card, Godelieve! :-D

  4. This is beautiful! I love how you use color.

  5. This is so pretty!! You are a fabulous stamper! Thanks for participating this week at CPS!

  6. The way you use color continually inspires me. Wonderful card!!


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