
dinsdag, augustus 12, 2008

Gnome Sweet Gnome

I used Teresa's Banner as little roofs for my super simple hand drawn houses. Gnome and sentiment are from the new release at Odd Bird Planet.
Teresa's Banner, hier gebruikt als dakjes. Ik heb er een rijtje super simpele huisjes onder getekend. De kabouter en tekst zijn uit de nieuwste collectie van Odd Bird Planet.

Stamps by jj Odd Bird Planet:
Teresa's Banner, Gnome Sweet Gnome, Kelly's Gnome Girl with Apron, Grass, Hay Bits

19 opmerkingen:

  1. Brillian idea for the roofs! Great, funny card. :)

  2. The gnome is very cute and how cleve to flip the stamp and make roofs.

  3. Ooooh, maar deze is zooo schattig! Heel goed idee om Teresa's banner als dakjes te gebruiken!

  4. Oh my heavens this is so sweet, I love how you use the banner as the roof's of houses! You are so creative!

  5. Geweldig idee weer Godelieve. Keigeinig kaartje!!

  6. Genius! I love the banner as housetops. This card is simply darling.

  7. Fun card! And your small houses are so cute! Great idea for roofs!

    Are you working on something for the new 'Get Inspired* kit? I ordered this kit - it's the first one I'll get from them, so I'm very excited! (I used to get the Self Addressed kits, but they closed their business...)

    Thanks for your kind words about my card! (It's actually a scrap card - lots of leftovers put together...) ;o)

  8. oh this is too cute! love the images and bright colors! clever girl! :)

  9. Oh wow, wat ben je toch weer een slimmerd. Heel leuk die daken!

  10. It is so cute how you used this stamp for the houses.

  11. *Hihi* this card made me giggle, great card Godelieve!

    Inge xo

  12. Oh my goodness -- using the banner as the roofs is so clever!

  13. That's such a clever use of that banner stamp!


  14. haha~~
    this is soooooo creative!~
    love it!!


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