
zondag, februari 01, 2009

February flower freebie - Helleborus

Here's another photo for you, it's a Helleborus in our garden. Feel free to use it in your work.
Hier is de bloemenfoto voor februari, een Helleborus uit onze tuin.

I used the photo on a quick and easy card (4"x4").
Een snel en eenvoudig kaartje met deze foto.
Here's a link to January's Snowdrops.
Hier is een link naar de sneeuwklokjes van januari.

Look : Tania's card

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Godelieve,
    (I was typing my message and it disappeared so here I am again!)...
    I have never seen one of these in real life but they are on some of my Portmeirion Dinner plates!
    What a treat to finally see one!

    A beauty...

  2. Thanks for this wonderful photo ! I'm in love with flowers...

  3. BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for permission to use the photo. I might use it on an Easter card. I'll show it on my blg is I do, with a link back here :)

  4. Godelieve, thank you for sharing some of your photographs, I downloaded this one and another one. You are so kind!


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