
woensdag, oktober 14, 2009

Darkroom Door - Prague ATC swap

Sneak peek on my ATCs for the Darkroom Door Prague ATC Swap, ready to send to Australia.

Mijn ATCs voor Darkroom Door's Prague ATC Swap liggen klaar om naar Australië te sturen :)

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh Godelieve!!! That's so funny... you are such a tease! Can't wait to see them!!!! :)

  2. Oh das schaut ja schon sehr interessant aus.


  3. I know what this stamp is, but won't give it away. You know why I know Godelieve as you wrote of my blog and I know this place well.

    I know it will be stunning because it is such a lovely stamp.

    Carol x

  4. Wow! You've really piqued my interest here. I went to the Darkroom Door blog and the stamps look very cool. I think it's great to have a different destination for a change. Much as I love Paris, for example, there are so many other beautiful cities like Prague to explore creatively.

  5. Ooooooh, ik ben héél benieuwd Godelieve !! De mijne zijn een paar dagen geleden op de post gegaan richting Australië, ik doe voor het eerst ook mee ! Ben ze alleen vergeten te scannen helaas...
    Leuke foto's heb je ervan gemaakt, dat maakt super nieuwsgierig ! :-D

  6. Can we see your ATC, now that the swap is complete?


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