
donderdag, februari 01, 2007

New justjohanna images - 4x4 cards

These cards are 4x4. All stamps by justjohanna. Most of them are from the new supplement. I love all the scallops, borders, dots,... can't wait to use them all! Red and white gelpen to add some color.
Nog een paar 10x10 kaartjes. Alle stempels zijn van justjohanna, meestal uit het laatste supplement. Veel geschulpte randen, puntjes, en mooie tekststempels in de nieuwe reeks. Ik gebruikte hier een rode en witte gelpen voor wat extra kleur.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Both of these are so cute, I love the scallops also.

  2. Your cards are inspirational! I have just discovered your blog from bety's. I am fairly new to stamping although I've crafting for many years, you've really inspired me to keep experimenting, and to try the bleaching technique. Will let you know how I get on... thank you for sharing you work.

  3. These are great! Thanks for enabling me to spend more money! :)

  4. yes, thanks for enabling money-spending. heehee! love that you figured out that valentini went with the martini glass.

  5. Oh what funky & fun Cards these are Godelieve.. Just FAB!!!

  6. you are quick ;)) great cards and great use of your new toys !! :)

  7. Sorry my message has been sent too quickly. This is me ;)


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