
vrijdag, februari 02, 2007


It was my turn to provide a sketch on 2peas' stamping board. I used a punch to make the squares. All stamps by justjohanna.
Het was mijn beurt om een schets te maken voor het stempelforum op 2peas. Vierkantjes zijn gemaakt met een pons. Alle stempels zijn van justjohanna.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. All of your sketches seems easy... BUT !....not easy to realise something pleasing to the eye, original, and funny....
    And you, Godelieve, you impeccably succeed all of that ... I admire !!!

  2. awesome sketch! I love your card - the colors are so cheery and the stamps you selected fit perfectly!

  3. Like the sketch - for once I have a chance to try it sooner rather than later I hope. Love your example too.

  4. I really like the color combination, reminds me of a tropical island.

  5. Your sketch is very nice ! your card very pretty ! love the colors you used. Wish have a little bit time to try it ! :)

  6. Really neat sketch - and very pretty card resulting from it.

  7. Great looking sketch...I am making a Christmas card (as we speak) using it. Thanks for the inspiration.


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