woensdag, oktober 29, 2008

Mini House Tags

A set of mini house tags
Een setje mini huisjes

A Tim Holtz swivel clasp keeps them together.
Ketting met ring van Tim Holtz.

Backgrounds: Ecoline (ochre and blue), Distress Ink (pink/white), Glimmer Mist (green)

Invoke Arts (8774 Funky Houses)
Paper Artsy (tall house, rings)
Odd Bird Planet (Swirly Tail, Paisley Heart, Emily's Oval Small)
Limited Edition (LE7650 Distressed Background)

Hero Arts gemstones.

18 opmerkingen:

  1. WOw! They Are "extra" :)
    Podobają mi się te domki bardzo :))

  2. Wow the houses was so cool :)

    Have a lovely day!!
    Hugs from Inger Marie

  3. Hi, Godelieve! I’ve given you an award on my blog, Gaal Creative! I really enjoy seeing your work and I think you deserve this recognition! :-)

  4. WOW these are just gorgeous! I want to live in one! SMILE!

  5. your project is wonderful, you are always a great inspiration for me for this on my blog I left a prize for you

  6. Those are cool!

    Funny too, I just saw those stamps online the other day after seeing some other Invoke Arts sets at a local store. I've been debating about them....lol

  7. You always inspire me Godelieve, so thank you for that. There's something primal and comforting about the house shape, and I want to try this too.

  8. Wow Godelieve, I just love those cute little houses, I think I`ll move into the green one LOL

  9. I love the tiny houses on the ring...such imaginative and wonderful work!

  10. These are terrific. I love the colors and different backgrounds.

  11. Super mooi en gezellig rijtjes huisjes.


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